Service-Learning and Project-Based Learning Methodologies in Higher Music Education: a review of the literature

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Laura Cuervo-Calvo
Alberto Cabedo-Mas


INTRODUCTION. Recent research highlights the potential of multidimensional and holistic learning in educational transforation, the provision of social services from the university and development of professional identity. This article aims to analyse the relationship between the Service-Learning and Project-Based Learning methodologies in higher music education and the acquisition of transversal competences. METHOD. A review of 29 articles on both methodologies in higher music education, published between 2012 and 2022, was conducted. The articles were selected from WoS, Scopus, and ERIC databases. Four categories were explored: (1) Social interaction, (2) personal growth, (3) academic learning, and (4) challenges related to the implementation and contextualization of the methodologies. RESULTS. Results show that, in the context of higher music education, both methodologies have a potentially positive impact on the development of transversal competencies in students. The review shows benefits in social aspects such as the development of civic responsibility and communication skills among peers and teachers; academic aspects such as adaptation to complex learning environments, mutually beneficial goals and shared authority; and personal development aspects such as flexibility, solidarity and respect. The review also shows that reflective practice contributes to developing students’ openness to constructive criticism, which is perceived as a positive contribution to learning. CONCLUSIONS. The methodologies studied can foster students’ personal growth, the mitigation of their biases in the classroom and the reflective and conscious appreciation of their own learning. To be taken into account are the challenges related to the complexity of adjusting the projects to the academic curriculum and community needs, as well as the large amount of time and effort required for the process. Finally, further research using different search terms and criteria is encouraged to achieve a broader understanding of how music initiatives can be designed and implemented through these methodologies, the projection they can have, and how research is conducted in this field.


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How to Cite
Cuervo-Calvo, L., & Cabedo-Mas, A. (2024). Service-Learning and Project-Based Learning Methodologies in Higher Music Education: a review of the literature. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 76(3), 35–60.
Author Biographies

Laura Cuervo-Calvo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)

Permanent Lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid. Her lines of research focus on Music Education, and Service-Learning teaching Methodology. Her research findings have been published in journals such as Music Education Research, Revista Española de Pedagogía, Quality & Quantity, Psychology of Music, or Research Studies in Music Education, as well as books and book chapters in prestigious publishing houses, such as Dykinson and Routledge. She is currently member of editorial Board of the Revista Electrónica Complutense de Investigación en Educación Musical.

Alberto Cabedo-Mas, Universidad Jaume I de Castelló (España)

Associate Professor of Music Education at the University Jaume I of Castellón, Spain. He studied violin at the Music Conservatory in Castellón and completed a Master’s degree in Music at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Tallinn, and a Master’s degree in Peace Studies, Conflict and Development at the University Jaume I, where he later obtained his PhD. He is author of several articles and chapters in international and national books and refereed journals. He is Codirector of the journal Eufonía: Didáctica de la Música, Associate editor of the Journal of the Study of Education and Development, and serves as editorial board member in national and international journals. His research interests include music education, coexistence, community music, interculturality and the transmission of music across cultures.


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