The debate on bilingualism. Families’ perceptions about the Bilingual Education Program in the Community of Madrid

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Cynthia Martínez-Garrido
Nina Hidalgo
Irene Moreno-Medina


INTRODUCTION. Since its implementation in 2004 in the schools of the Community of Madrid, the Bilingual Education Program may be one of the topics that has arisen most controversy among educational agents, particularly, between families. This research seeks to know what families’ perceptions are in the Community of Madrid regarding the Bilingual Education Program. METHOD. To reach this aim, qualitative research was conducted using a data collection semi structured interview. A total of 15 families participated in the study. To analyze the data, a 6-step process was followed, focused on giving voice to the families and based on grounded theory. RESULTS. The conducted analysis shows that families have opposing visions about the Bilingual Program. On the one hand, some families believe that students who attend bilingual schools learn more English, and obtain renowned prestige certifications, and they are fully prepared to enter the workforce. On the other hand, other also consider that it is a program that generates learning based on rote learning of vocabulary, less learning of content, and that promotes segregation among families with fewer economic resources and students with educational needs. DISCUSSION. It is urgent to rethink the Bilingual Education Program in the Community of Madrid since families claimed that the Bilingual Education Program has major deficiencies and it needs to be reformulated to achieve an education, and thus a society, more just, equitable and inclusive.


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How to Cite
Martínez-Garrido, C., Hidalgo, N., & Moreno-Medina, I. (2022). The debate on bilingualism. Families’ perceptions about the Bilingual Education Program in the Community of Madrid. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 74(3), 35–50.
Author Biographies

Cynthia Martínez-Garrido, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)

Profesora contratada doctora en Métodos de Investigación y Evaluación en Educación e investigadora de la Cátedra UNESCO en Educación para la Justicia Social de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Nina Hidalgo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)

Profesora ayudante doctora en Métodos de Investigación y Evaluación en Educación e investigadora de la Cátedra UNESCO en Educación para la Justicia Social de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Irene Moreno-Medina, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)

Doctora en Educación con mención internacional en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, formación profesional y enseñanzas de idiomas por la Universidad de Málaga.


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