Didactic use of a virtual laboratory to promote the progression of students’ mental models of electric current circuits

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Alfonso Pontes Pedrajas


INTRODUCTION. We are developing a research project on learning physical concepts in university education, using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to improve educational quality. This study describes an experience on the didactic use of an electrical circuit simulation program that allows students to perform inquiry and modeling tasks, working in the virtual environment Phet-DC. METHOD. 59 first-year engineering students participated in the experience, completing an open-ended questionnaire on basic electrical circuits, in the previous and later stage to the teac­­h­­ing process. A qualitative analysis rubric was used to categorise the participants’ answers, identifying the mental models about electrical current that underlie their explanations. RESULTS. In the pretest applied before teaching, the predominant existence of unscientific ideas and alternative mental models in the students’ answers was observed. During the experience, students analyze the behavior of different types of circuits in the virtual laboratory, hypothesize about the functioning of such systems and contrast their previous hypotheses with the results observed in each simulation. After the development of this educational experience, the results of the post-test show a significant improvement in the understanding and application of the scientific model of electric current by the participants. DISCUSSION. After using a virtual laboratory as the main educational resource, a fairly positive evolution of the students’ mental models about the functioning of electric circuits has been observed. Therefore, we can consider that the educational use of simulation programs represents a significant improvement in the quality of science education.


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How to Cite
Pontes Pedrajas, A. (2022). Didactic use of a virtual laboratory to promote the progression of students’ mental models of electric current circuits. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 74(4), 145–160. https://doi.org/10.13042/Bordon.2022.93290
Monográfico Laboratorios Virtuales
Author Biography

Alfonso Pontes Pedrajas, Universidad de Córdoba (España)

Profesor titular de universidad del Departamento de Física Aplicada, de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Córdoba. Imparte docencia en estudios de ingeniería, en el Máster de Profesorado de Secundaria y en el Máster de Educación Ambiental. Ha colaborado en diversos proyectos de innovación e investigación educativa, ha participado en numerosos congresos y ha publicado un número amplio de artículos en revistas educativas, relacionados con los temas de didáctica de la ciencia y la tecnología, representación del conocimiento en educación, recursos TIC en la docencia y formación del profesorado de secundaria.


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