Educational interventions in prosocial behavior and empathy in gifted students. A systematic review

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Sara Piñeiro López
Manuel Martí Vilar
Francisco González-Sala


INTRODUCTION. In the specific case of high abilities, in addition to developing the cognitive capacity of these students, there has been an incipient concern for the development of social skills and social-emotional development. It is understood, therefore, that its configuration is multidimensional. METHOD. The objective of this systematic review is to find different enrichment processes that favor the social-emotional and comprehensive development of gifted students. The aim is to discover the reality within the context of this group of students. For the preparation of this review, the guidelines of the PRISMA methodology of those articles found in the databases Web of Science, PubMed, Redalyc, Google Academic, Eric, and Dialnet have been followed. RESULTS. There are 16 articles selected for research, where the majority are focused on the improvement of social skills thanks to the specific educational intervention. In many of the articles the treatment group is separated from the reference group. From a dynamic approach to understanding giftedness, these students do not present a gap between their cognitive and emotional levels. Despite the limitations of each of the interventions, all of them conclude in the progress of the participants’ social skills. DISCUSSION. The importance of promoting intelligence and emotional education programs is emphasized in order to achieve higher levels of personal and social well-being from educational environments related to Gifted students. In this way, the need to develop comprehensive learning in all areas of each of the students is emphasized.


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Piñeiro López, S., Martí Vilar, M., & González-Sala, F. (2022). Educational interventions in prosocial behavior and empathy in gifted students. A systematic review. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 74(1), 141–157.


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