The design and validation of an instrument for assessing undergraduate dissertations

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Consuelo García Tamarit
Paola Perochena González
Lara Orcos Palma


INTRODUCTION. The dissertation represents the fulfillment of undergraduate studies in which the student demonstrates mastery and integration of the content and skills they have developed. Therefore, its evaluation requires complete and complex tools. The aim of this research is to design and validate a reliable instrument to evaluate the final dissertation of the degree of Bachelor Degree in Primary Education Teaching to avoid the deficiencies and problems commonly observed in the traditional rubrics. METHOD. A group of seven experts, both from the school and university environment, were trained to develop this instrument. Different evaluation tools and essays were analyzed for its elaboration. Subsequently, the reliability of the resulting instrument was studied by applying the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to twenty disssertations by six independent experts. RESULTS. The result is an instrument that combines the best properties of the rubric and the checklist, with a concrete and precise breakdown of all the performance indicators that make up the written part of a dissertation, and that assesses elements considered central in a final manuscript: the contents and their quality, the aspects of format and expression. The intraclass correlation analysis offered excellent results in the measured scales, all of which were >.90, which shows their high consistency. DISCUSSION. These results allow confidence in the reliability of the tool. The instrument can be a clear support for dissertation supervisors and for the members of the dissertation panel due to its clarity, objectivity and ease of use. Likewise, it can be a useful tool for students' learning and favour their self-regulation and self-evaluation since it includes in detail all the indicators by which they will be evaluated.


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How to Cite
García Tamarit, C., Perochena González, P., & Orcos Palma, L. (2021). The design and validation of an instrument for assessing undergraduate dissertations. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 73(2), 79–96.
Author Biographies

Consuelo García Tamarit, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR) (España)

Directora académica del Máster Universitario en Innovación Educativa de la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). Doctora en Educación y TIC por la Universitat Oberta de Cataluña (UOC) y licenciada en Psicología por la Universidad de Valencia. Es miembro del grupo de investigación sobre Competencias Académicas Universitarias de la UNIR y del grupo SINTE de la UAB.

Paola Perochena González, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) (España)

Profesora universitaria desde 2009. Doctora y Máster en TIC para Educación. Máster en Humanidades y Licenciada en Psicología. Profesora Contratada Doctora que ha participado en proyectos de investigación I+D con financiación pública y privada. Ha coordinado diversos departamentos en varias instituciones relacionadas con la formación. Sus líneas de investigación: estilos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje, formación docente y evaluación.

Lara Orcos Palma, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR) (España)

Profesora universitaria desde 2015. Doctora en Didáctica de las Ciencias. Máster en Formación de Profesorado. Profesora contratada doctora que ha participado en proyectos de investigación I+D con financiación pública y privada. Ha sido profesora en la etapa de educación secundaria durante ocho años. Sus líneas de investigación son: didáctica de las matemáticas y las ciencias experimentales.


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