Writing blogs for competence-based assessment in primary education practicum

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María Cinta Portillo Vidiella
Elena Cano García
Núria Giné Freixes


INTRODUCTION: This contribution is based on the research carried out during the academic year 2009-2010 regarding competence evaluation at university, with the aim of facilitating the formative assessment of the teacher-training course for students during their external placement period. A blog was proposed as a space for self-reflection and metacognition about the degree of self-progression in the competences related to this training period. Finally, a software appplication was designed in order to proceed with both the self-assessment of students and the assessment of the teachers’ feedback and comments. METHOD: In relation to the methodology developed throughout this experience, we firstly present the analysis of the frequency of the blog entries associated with the competences, the number and rhythm of entries and those most worked on by the students, according to their own criteria, and the degree of satisfaction and perception of the students and teachers learning. Secondly, we put forward the analysis about the type of writing found in the blog contents, where the analysis about the competence identification and the type of employed discourse are presented. OUTCOME: The outcome leads one to consider that the students’ contributions in the blogs show a progress at a competential level, with, however, some problems in the theoretical and practical identification of the meaning of some competences. On the other hand, we state that these contributions are mainly reflective, but the level of metacognition expressed in the blog writing regarding the assessment of competences is lower than expected. Therefore, although the reflective component that contributes to the competential self-regulation is promoted, this self-regulation is not fully consolidated, since the acquired level of awareness about self-competences is not explicitly shown. DISCUSSION: This experience shows that, in order to guarantee the students’ reflective and metacognitive writing on competential self-regulation, their initial training in these areas has to improve and it must be ensured that the process of the blog creation contributes to this learning, which means that the teachers training is essential and must be specifically oriented towards this goal.


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How to Cite
Portillo Vidiella, M. C., Cano García, E., & Giné Freixes, N. (2012). Writing blogs for competence-based assessment in primary education practicum. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 64(4), 63–81. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/BORDON/article/view/22059
Author Biographies

María Cinta Portillo Vidiella, Universidad de Barcelona

Licenciada en Filología Hispánica y en Filología Catalana, es profesora titular del Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura de la Universidad de Barcelona e imparte docencia en la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado. Entre otros temas, su especialización docente y de investigación gira alrededor de la interacción comunicativa oral y escrita en educación superior y en educación primaria.

Elena Cano García, Universidad de Barcelona

Doctora en Pedagogía y licenciada en Ciencias Económicas, es profesora titular, Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universitat de Barcelona. A lo largo de los últimos años ha venido trabajando temas de formación, evaluación y calidad educativa en todos los niveles educativos, materias sobre las que ya ha publicado con anterioridad.

Núria Giné Freixes, Universidad de Barcelona

Doctora en Pedagogía, Maestra en educación infantil, primaria y secundaria y educadora en Educación Social, es profesora titular, Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universitat de Barcelona. Sus líneas de investigación son: el proceso de aprendizaje en diferentes entornos educativos, la diversidad y la inclusión social, el aprendizaje colaborativo y la formación de formadores.