Ethical statement and best practice

Ethical statement on publishing and best practice

The Editorial Board of Revista de poética medieval declares its commitment to ethical conduct and the rejection of bad practices in its publishing process, so that academic quality standards are maintained. To do this, the journal declares its will to comply with the code established by the Committee on Publication Ethics [Cope] (Core Practices) ( and to take into account the ethical policies suggested by Elsevier (

Thus, it expresses its most categorical rejection of plagiarism or scientific fraud in the scientific articles under evaluation, as well as redundant, overlapping or multiple publication practices, either totally or partially. These will result in the rejection of submissions and, if detected after publication, the corresponding modification would be requested from the author or, in major cases, the texts would be removed form the journal. The Editorial Board will not be held responsible for the opinions voiced by the authors, although Revista de poética medieval is open to articles submitted in response to previous publications.

The originals will be evaluated by a double blind review system by experts in the corresponding field, discarding those who may have possible conflicts of interest with the research subject or with its authors. Those evaluations in which a reviewer alludes as an argument to the need to cite their own investigation as an evidence of quality will be rejected and, thus, a triple review will be required when the Editorial Board considers it to be necessary. The editorial decisions will take into account the quality and scientific originality of the works, their adequacy to the line of the journal and the fulfillment of its editorial norms. In no case shall motives of race, ideology, gender or sexual choice, nationality or academic affiliation be taken into consideration.

Anti-plagiarism policy

The Revista de poética medieval has an anti-plagiarism policy in place to guarantee the originality of all manuscripts using specialised anti-plagiarism software Turnitin. This tool detects coincidences and similarities between texts submitted for publication and those previously published in other sources. Before proceeding with formal review and external assessment, the Editorial Board will run plagiarism checks on submitted manuscripts. If suspected cases of plagiarism are detected, the manuscript will not be published and authors will be informed.