The Deer in Medieval Hagiography: An Account of Episodes




Deer, Hagiography, Hunting, Sacred foundation, Relics, Prophecy, Eustace, Hubert of Liege, Julian the Hospitaller


This paper deals with the presence of the deer in medieval hagiography from an extensive corpus of scenes, ordered according to the recurring presence of certain motifs. The animal (sometimes endowed with human attitudes or speech, or wonderful antlers) has diverse functions. Some scenes show the help of the saint to the persecuted deer. Others scenes refer, in return, to the help of the animal, whether it be a material relief (suckling hinds, deer sacrificed for food or turned into farm animals and beasts of burden) or spiritual (deer that find the saint or his relics, deer that favor the foundation of the sacred place or delimit its territory, that invite conversion or transfer a prophecy). If the saint shows a power over nature emanating from God, the deer becomes present or legacy of divinity, perpetuating a role of mediation between the heavenly and the earthly world that would have its origin in old pagan traditions


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ASS: Jean Bolland et al. (1643-1940), Acta Sanctorum. Anvers/Bruxelles: Société des Bollandistes, 68 vols.

PB: Guérin, Paul (1876), Les petits Bollandistes. Vies de saints. Bar-Le Duc/Paris: Typographie des Célestins/Bloud et Barral, 17 vols.

Thompson: Thompson, Stith (1955-1958), Motif-Index of Folk-Literature. A Clasification of Narrative Elements in Folktales, Ballads, Myths, Fables, Mediaeval Romances, Exempla, Fabliaux, Jest-Books and Local Legends. Bloomington/London: Indiana University Press, 8 vols.

VSH: Vitae sanctorum Hiberniae. Charles Plummer (ed.). Oxford: Clarendon, 1910, 2 vols.

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How to Cite

Aragüés Aldaz, J. (2023) “The Deer in Medieval Hagiography: An Account of Episodes”, Revista de poética medieval, 37(1), pp. 211–288. doi: 10.37536/RPM.2023.37.1.99337.

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