From MedDB to PalMed: databases for an integral study of the Galician-Portuguese lyric




Galician-Portuguese lyric, Databases, Online palaeographic editions, XML language, Relational and textual operators


Two decades ago now, MedDB: Base de datos da lírica profana galego-portuguesa was published in a network with the purpose of bringing the corpus of the poetic tradition of the Iberian West to the scientific community in a simple and agile way. The advantages gradually achieved by the revision of the tool not only called for the need to introduce new search options, but also advised for a more agile use of the interface. The present contribution shows how the database, tagged in XML, has expanded its contents and possibilities of exploration over the years. Precisely, the experience in the use and exploitation of MedDB have shown that it was necessary to complement it with another database that collected online the palaeographic transcriptions of the codices. The development of this aim led to the design of the new project presented here: PalMed. This resource aims to facilitate the realization of different types of study (especially, palaeographic, graphematic and linguistic) thanks to the navigation through different interfaces, which will allow the specialist to make use of the data loaded into the database together with the manuscripts.


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Author Biography

Pilar Lorenzo Gradín , Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Catedrática de Filología Románica de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.



How to Cite

Lorenzo Gradín, P. and Santiago Gómez, C. de (2019) “From MedDB to PalMed: databases for an integral study of the Galician-Portuguese lyric”, Revista de poética medieval, 33, pp. 25–50. doi: 10.37536/RPM.2019.33.0.72419.
