The Wolf and the Leeches: a Fable from Aristotelesin the Libro del caballero Zifar


  • María Luzdivina Cuesta Torre Universidad de León



Fable, Aesopian tradition, Aristotle, 14th century narrative, Recreation, Transformation


The Book of the Knight Zifar integrates in its narrative a few fables, which are a rare example of the variety of didactic ction materials found in the book. In spite of the wide circulation of Aesop in Medieval Latin literature, especially through the Romuli, only one of the fables collected by the anonymous author of The Book of the Knight Zifar can be traced back there. The fable of the fox and the hedgehog, whose authorship Aristotle attributes to Aesop, is not considered as belonging to medieval Aesopian tradition. In The Book of Zifar, this fable is totally transformed as to offer several realistic details, new characters and a much more developed story. The study of this version shows the ability of the author when it comes to adapting and recreating previous materials. 


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How to Cite

Cuesta Torre, M. L. (2015) “The Wolf and the Leeches: a Fable from Aristotelesin the Libro del caballero Zifar”, Revista de poética medieval, 29, pp. 95–124. doi: 10.37536/RPM.2015.29.0.53279.
