A Pere Trincher’s Incunabulum: Typography, Decoration and Dating


  • Josep Lluís Martos Universitat d'Alacant




Pere Trincher, Saint Christopher, Incunabula, Printing, Valencia, Poetry


The incunabulum of the Obra a llaors del benaventurat lo senyor sant Christòfol, which collects the poems presented in a poetry contest of 1488, presents a problem dating. One of the main objectives of this work is to determine the correct time of printing. In order to do this, we consider social, literary and typographical arguments. In this sense, we analyze the morphology and syntax of capital letters, which are the first to be used in the Valencian printing with woodcut origin. In addition, the sale of these typographical materials, as well as the rest of those from the press of Pere Trincher after his professional retirement, is studied to determine the impossibility of this incunabulum had been printed in 1498, as erroneously the colophon indicated.


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Author Biography

Josep Lluís Martos , Universitat d'Alacant

Departament de Filologia Catalana
Universitat d’Alacant
Apartado de correos 99
03080 Alicante



How to Cite

Lluís Martos, J. (2016) “A Pere Trincher’s Incunabulum: Typography, Decoration and Dating”, Revista de poética medieval, 30, pp. 199–231. doi: 10.37536/RPM.2016.30.0.51071.
