The Theory of Intersectionality in the «Living Saints» of Castile in the 15th and 16th Centuries: Illness, Gender, and Female Spirituality




15th-16th Centuries, Gender, Illness, Intersectionality, Living Saints, Spirituality, Visionaries


In 15th and 16th century Castile, the relationship between illness and spirituality is essential to understanding figures such as María de Ajofrín, María de Santo Domingo, and Juana de la Cruz Vázquez. These women, transcending the religious realm, impacted their social and cultural context through personal and mystical experiences. Their writings reveal the interconnectedness of health, gender, and spirituality, and how they redefined their roles in the Church and society despite personal adversities. By interpreting illness as a divine link, rather than a personal weakness, they established resilient communities and reshaped their self-perception, thus redefining their position in society and the Church. This intersectional approach shows how these women challenged the expectations and standards of their time and contributed to female empowerment, offering significant testimony to their tenacity and female agency.


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How to Cite

Kim, Y. (2024) “The Theory of Intersectionality in the «Living Saints» of Castile in the 15th and 16th Centuries: Illness, Gender, and Female Spirituality”, Revista de poética medieval, 38(1), pp. 117–147. doi: 10.37536/RPM.2024.38.1.103713.

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