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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The petition has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another Journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor).
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Authors Guidelines, which can be found in About the journal.
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for referrals. It is mandatory to include the DOI of the references, if they have it.
  • If funding has been received to carry out the study or work, it is indicated in the OJS platform.
  • In case of acceptance, I transfer all the exploitation rights in paper and electronic media (reproduction, distribution and public communication) according to articles 17 to 21 of the Intellectual Property Law that correspond to them, to the Revista de Literatura Medieval.
  • I also authorize its inclusion in national and international indexes, catalogs and databases.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, follow the instructions in Ensuring a blind review.

Author Guidelines

Job submission through the OJS manager

The authors will send the texts, articles, notes and original reviews (they must be unpublished, not having been presented as papers or presentations at any congress, nor be subject to report for publication in another journal) by registering on the platform OJS journal.

Attachments must be sent in a compatible PC word processor, preferably in Microsoft Word, Windows version.

Preparation and submission of original works

The texts sent to Revista de poética medieval may be rejected in a first evaluation carried out by the Editorial Committee for formal issues, such as spelling, lexical imprecision and unnecessary anglicisms, poor punctuation, disjointed syntax, lack of clarity, inconsistencies, etc. For this reason, authors are strongly recommended to carefully check the linguistic and spelling aspects of each text before sending. This same care will be necessary for the formal aspects described below. The Editorial Board, in accordance with the evaluators' reports, will decide whether or not to accept the works, as well as the volume in which they will be published. 

1. Presentation format, general guidelines

  • The works can be written in Spanish, English, or any other of the Romance languages.
  • Texts will be presented in Times New Roman 12 font, 1.5 spacing.

2. Online Presentation

a) MAIN DOCUMENT required

On the first page* it must include:
  • The title of the paper 
  • The translation of the title into Spanish (título).
  • An abstract (with a length not exceeding 150 words, that is, 6 lines). It must be complete (collect all the substantial aspects of the work), concise (not redundant or with accessory elements), informative (not evaluative) and precise (do not add anything that is not in the work). The style should be clear, preferably with simple sentences and withuout passive forms in English.
  • The translation of the abstract into Spanish (resumen). The information offered in both languages must be identical.
  • A number of keywords between 5 and 7. The keywords will be separated by full stop (dot), the first letter in upper case.
  • Their Spanish translation (palabras clave) will also appear.
  • Date of submission to the journal.
*In no case will the authors, their addresses or the financing details appear on this document.

En el texto del trabajo, es necesario tener en cuenta que:
  • The originals of the texts and papers will have a maximum length of 25 pages; the notes will not exceed 12 pages, and the reviews, 6 pages.
  • The titles of sections and subsections will be in bold and never in capital letters.
  • The beginning of each paragraph will not be indented with a tab.
  • The style of the text and sections or subsections must be "normal".
  • Words in a language other than the original and Latin abbreviations should be in italics.
  • The lists, if they are bulleted, must go with a normal hyphen (-) and not with different circles or symbols.
  • Em dash (—) is used for dialogues and en dash (–) for subsections.
  • The notes, always at the foot of the page, with Times New Roman font, body 10. The number of the note within the text must go before the punctuation marks.
  • Tablesmapsgraphstablesfigures, etc., must be original. Photographs must be of good quality to avoid loss of detail in reproduction (300dpi). All will be numbered and carry a short foot or legend for identification. The approximate place of placement will be indicated in the text.
  • The figures and illustrations must also be sent in separate files (.jpg, .tif, .png).
  • The centuries in Roman figures always go in small caps; the Roman numerals of the names of kings, popes, etc. in CAPITAL LETTERS, as well as the volumes and the number of the minutes of a congress. Example: 15th century, but Alfonso X the Wiser; tome III; Actas del XV Congreso de la Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval.


When sending the paper, it is possible to attach all the files and documents that you consider appropriate. When attaching these documents, it is necessary to indicate if you want to present the files to the reviewers.

  • Files in .jpg, or .tif format of the illustrations contained in the text—resolution for printing: 300dpi—, in a single compressed file (.zip or .rar).
  • Other documents, such as Annexes, that you wish to show for the evaluation of the paper.

3. Citations and bibliography

  • Latin quotation marks will always be used for citations and paper. If a second quotation appears within the quotation marks, then other quotation marks would be used, in this order: «… “… ‘…’ …” …». When a punctuation mark (period, comma, semicolon or colon) must be placed after the quoted text, it will be done immediately after the closing of the quotation marks.
  • The citations that exceed the three lines are indented to the left and the line spacing is reduced to 1, with Times New Roman font, body 11. If it is a poem, it is centered, keeping the margin of the verses, indenting the first with three spaces. It is not appropriate that the quotation in the text be placed between quotation marks.
  • The bibliography is developed with the author-year: page system, and a final bibliographic list is offered (Bibliographic References).
        E.g..: Alvar (2015: 7) or (Gómez Redondo 2019: 13)
  • In the references the names and surnames of authors, editors, etc. they must always appear complete.
  • If there is more than one city or publisher, they are separated with a slash.
        Ex.: Madrid/Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana/Vervuert.

a) Books

Author's surname(s), name (Year) [in parentheses], Title [in italics]. City: Publisher. [It is not necessary to indicate the collection or series to which the book belongs, but the date of the first edition—if known—may be placed in square brackets after the title].

Murphy, James J. (1986), La retórica en la Edad Media. Historia de la teoría de la retórica desde San Agustín hasta el Renacimiento [1974]. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

b) Editions

b1. Author's surname(s), name (Year) [in parentheses], Title [in italics]. Name of the editor (ed. / dir. / coord.), and after this, if any, that of the author of a presentation or preliminary study.City: Publisher.

Marqués de Santillana (1997), Comedieta de Ponza, sonetos, serranillas y otras obras, Regula Rohland de Langbehn (ed.). Vicenç Beltran (preliminar study). Barcelona: Crítica.

b2. Editor's surname(s), name (ed. / dir. / coord.) (Year) [in parentheses], Name of the author, Title [in italics]. City: Publisher.

Blanco Valdés, Carmen F. (ed. y trad.) (2004), Giovanni Boccaccio, Il Filocolo. Madrid: Gredos.

c) Book Chapters / Proceedings

Author's surname(s), name (Year) [in parentheses], «Title» [in quotation marks], in Name of the editor (ed. / dir. / coord.), and after this, Title of the volume [in italics]. City: Publisher, pages [pp.].

Borsari, Elisa (2018), «La plataforma DHuMAR, Humanidades Digitales: Edad Media y Renacimiento», en Gaetano Lalomia y Daniela Santonocito (coords.), Literatura Medieval (Hispánica): Nuevos enfoques metodológicos y críticos. Logroño: Cilengua, pp. 85-100.

d) Papers

Author's surname(s), name (Year) [in parentheses], «Title» [between quotation marks], Journal title [in italics], number [in Arabic numeration; if it were necessary to indicate the volume for that year, it would be separated from the first number with : ], pages [pp.].

Alvar, Carlos (2016), «Don Quijote en las ilustraciones del siglo XIX: la investidura como caballero (I, 3)», Isadora. Revista de estudios galdosianos, 31, pp. 14-69.

e) Electronic publications

DOI ** will be added at the end of the reference. Papers that do not respect this point will be rejected.

Ramón Trujillo, José (2013), «Traducción, refundición y modificaciones estructurales en las versiones castellanas y portuguesa de La Demanda del Santo Grial», e-Spania, 16. Online: <> [consultation: 6/11/2015]. DOI: 10.4000/e-spania.22919.

In the event that the electronic publication does not have a DOI, the link between <> will be added at the end of the reference, and the date of consultation between brackets [].

Trujillo, José Ramón (2013), «Traducción, refundición y modificaciones estructurales en las versiones castellanas y portuguesa de La Demanda del Santo Grial», e-Spania, 16. En línea: <> [consulta: 6/11/2015].

**DOI o Digital Object Identifier. As far as possible, the DOI should be included in all those publications that have it. To do this, when an author is preparing the original, they can perform a search in the tool called Simple Text Query (<>), from the CrossRef agency for DOI validation.

4. Frequent abbreviations

Whenever possible, abbreviations will be developed in the text. In the case of references and reiterations, the following indications will be used:

  • References to the authorship of a work: ed.; trad.; coord.; prol.; intr.; et al. (and others); s. e. (without editor); s. f. (without date); s. l. (no place); s. n. (no barra[author's] name); s. p. (without page).
  • References to other works: see / vid.; comp.; AA.VV.; vid.; cfr. (never VVAA).
  • References to dictionaries: s. v. (sub voce).
  • References to dates: c. (circa), a. C.; d. C.
  • Volume, page and line: t. (tomo, volume); vol. (volume); ms. (manuscript), mss. (manuscripts); pl. (sheet); p. (page); pp. (pages); and ss. (and following), f. (folio); ff. (folios) (never fo., fº, fos., fols.); r (straight); v (verse); v. [poetry verse]; vv. (verses); h. (leaves); lin. (line); […] (Omission); nº (number).
    Ex.: vol. I, t.1; pp. 234-235; f. 30r-v; ff. 25r-26v; h. 16r.
  • Page numbers are never abbreviated; example: 212-213, not 212-13.
  • Sizes: 12º (twelfth); 16th (sixteenth); 4th (fourth); 8th (eighth); fol. (folio).

Original reception and evaluation process

1. Acknowledgment of receipt and sending to referees

Once acknowledged receipt of the original received, its adequacy to the journal's standards will be reviewed and, subsequently, it will be sent to two referees experts in the subject matter of the original work.

2. Review method

The evaluators are external to the journal and independent, selected by the Editorial Team to judge on the advisability of its publication and, where appropriate, they will suggest the appropriate rectifications. The review method used is double-blind (anonymity of the author and evaluators), with a member of the Drafting Team in charge of establishing contact between the two.

3. Results of the review

The result of the evaluation process may be:

  1. Acceptance of the paper
  2. Conditional acceptance to small modifications
  3. In-depth review of the work, or
  4. Rejection

The editor's decision together with the final evaluation report will be sent to the author by email.

If a book review is submitted, it will be internally assessed by the Editorial Board, which may reject its publication in the following cases:

  1. The text does not meet minimum quality requirements.
  2. The assessment of the contents and methodologies of the book is not objective.
  3. The researcher signing the book review and the book author are from the same centre or institution.
  4. The researcher signing the book review authored any of the chapters of the book.
  5. The researcher signing the book review and the book author are members of the same research group.

4. Monitoring the process

The author can follow the evaluation process of his article in the Journal web site.

5. Correction of printing proofs

In proofreading—which will be sent to the author without the original—no significant variations or additions to the text will be admitted. The authors must correct the tests within a maximum period of fifteen days; only first tests will be sent.

Corrections will be accepted only on PDF, and will be added with the Adobe tool: Highlight text> (Double click)> Add comment. Failing that, we accept the scanning of the paper with the corrections written by hand—which will be sent to the email of the journal (, with CC:—, or directly on paper—and it will be sent to the following address:

A la at. de Elisa Borsari
Revista de poética medieval
Dpto. de Estudios Filológicos y Literarios
Universidad de Córdoba, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Plaza del Cardenal Salazar, 3
14003 Córdoba (Andalucía). España

Authors will receive an electronic copy free of charge.

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Revista de Poética Medieval by Universidad de Alcalá is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Unported License.