About the Journal
Journal published by the Department of Literature Theory and Comparative Literature at the Alcalá University
Created in 1997, the Revista de poética medieval is an annual publication devoted both to the study of poetics and to a theoretical and critical research on Medieval Hispanic and international literatures. Its pages gather original papers of high scientific level whose acceptation is conditioned by a peer-review proccess. Since 2006, the Journal has added a Monographic Section to some of its issues. The Editiorial Board has entrusted renowned scholars from Spain and abroad with this section. The Journal also includes a Review Article Section in each of its numbers.
The Revista de poética medieval is collected in the following databases: Dialnet, CIRC, MIAR, ErihPLUS, Dice, Ulrichsweb: The Serials Directory, EBSCOHost (MLA), Regesta Imperii, Latindex, SCOPUS and ISOC; It is also indexed in the bases with an impact indicator INRECH and RESH. In 2014, the RPM has been distinguished with the Quality Seal awarded by the FECYT to the Excellence of the Spanish Scientific Journals (2014-2019, 2021-22).
Focus and Scope
The Revista de poética medieval is an annual publication devoted both to the study of poetics and to a theoretical and critical research on Medieval Hispanic and international literatures.
Since 2006, the Journal has added a Monographic Section to some of its issues.
The Editiorial Board has entrusted renowned scholars from Spain and abroad with this section. The journal also includes a Review Article Section in each of its numbers.
The Revista de poética medieval does not have either article submission charges or article processing charges (APCs).
Peer Review Process
Its pages gather original works of high scientific level whose acceptation is conditioned by a peer-review process. The Editorial Board, in accordance with the reports of the external evaluators, will decide whether or not to accept the papers, as well as the volume in which they will be published. The original that does not comply with these standards will be returned to the author for modification, and the evaluators will be sent instructions to the author, without mentioning their authorship, to improve the content of the works before their publication.
Publishing Practices in Gender Equality
The Revista de po´etica medieval promotes gender equality through inclusive publishing practices.
1. It maintains a balanced composition in its editorial team (50% women and 50% men) as in its panel of reviewers.
2. Includes the full name of authors in all published works.
3. Recommends using inclusive language in scientific articles, in order to take into account the presence and situation of women in society and in accordance with the principle of gender equality. In this sense, authors are encouraged to use gender-neutral rather than masculine terms to refer to classes or groups of individuals, whether male or female. It is also advisable to add explanatory phrases, avoid references to the subject or, if none of the above is possible, make reference to both women and men in the text.
4. In addition, it has specific protocols to avoid any discriminatory practice based on sex, gender or sexual orientation, both in the internal organization of the publication and in managing the editorial flow. For more information, see the practical guide for the inclusion of the gender perspective in research contents (Spanish PDF).
Open Access and Reuse Policies
This journal provides free access to its content under the principle that research should be made freely available to the public, which encourages a greater global knowledge exchange.
The Revista de poética medieval follows the principles of the international movement. Where it is established that there is no technological and economic barrier to access the contents of the magazine. That is, guarantee the free, irrevocable and worldwide right to access information, as well as copy, use, distribute, transmit, display, make hard copies for personal use, make adaptations and rights as well as their respective distribution, with acknowledgments appropriate to authorship. In addition, it provides access to a full version of the document and its complementary materials with the indication of permission for its use in electronic format and its deposit in institutional, academic or governmental repositories.
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