Fertility and High Professional Demands: Trajectories of Spanish Women in the Military
fertility, high professional demands, military women, maternity, familyAbstract
The military profession, which is considered to be highly demanding, has specific characteristics that sometimes directly affect the personal and family situations of its members. With regard to women in the military, one of the possible repercussions is a decrease in fertility and delay in the age at the birth of the first child. The aim of this paper is to analyze the fertility situation of women in the military in Spain. For this purpose, we analyze data from the Natural Population Movement and the Ministry of Defense from which it has been possible to calculate Synthetic Fertility Indices, the total (observed and corrected using the type-population method) fertility and birth rates and the average ages of women when they become mothers for the period 2016 to 2020. These results will contribute to understand differential fertility patterns with respect to the general population, as well as to deepen the analysis of the potentialities or difficulties that the military environment could present for the maternity decisions of its professionals.
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