The adaptation of family farms to global agri-food chains. The case of fruit production in Bajo Cinca (Spain)


  • Carmen Capdevila Murillo Departament de Sociologia. Universitat de Barcelona



Family farming, fruit production, global agri-food chains, agrifood systems, agency


Intensive fruit production in the Bajo Cinca region (Aragon) is an example of the restructuring of the agricultural system on the basis of global agri-food chains. This paper analyses farmer’s agency in the articulation of  the agro-industrial and the strategies family farms have followed to remain in the system. Through the qualitative analysis of the experiences of experts, producers and workers, I identify the factors that make possible the maintenance of the system and the way the composition of family farms has changed. The results show how production in the agro-industrial model is organised through a network of family farms with diverse characteristics, which develop relationships of cooperation and trust; the creation of larger vertical structures such as producers’ organizations and the professionalisation of farming which, however, maintains its territorial embeddedness in the community.


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How to Cite

Capdevila Murillo, C. (2023). The adaptation of family farms to global agri-food chains. The case of fruit production in Bajo Cinca (Spain). Spanish Journal of Sociology, 32(3), a181.