Discursive Reactions Against Feminist Movement in the Spanish State. An Analysis of Anti-Feminist Literature





discourses, feminism, antifeminism, textbooks, reaction


Any period of strengthening in the achievement of social goals involves a conservative social reaction. In this sense, the recent feminist goals achieved around the world, specifically in Spain, have been accompanied by diverse reactions that wield discourses of opposition to this movement. Faced with the social demands of greater gender equality, these reactive discourses have ended up finding a place in the media and in the social sphere, becoming part of the social imaginary about feminism. In this article we shed light on the plot axes of social discourses of opposition to the feminist movement in Spain. To carry out this task, we analyse the content of two recently books, where critical social discourses with feminism can be traced.


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How to Cite

Medina-Vicent, M. (2022). Discursive Reactions Against Feminist Movement in the Spanish State. An Analysis of Anti-Feminist Literature. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 32(1), a150. https://doi.org/10.22325/fes/res.2023.150