What remains of the real rape myth? A case study based on the analysis of court decisions
real rape myth, sexual assault, rape culture, court rulings, gender approachAbstract
Sexual assaults are a cross-cutting phenomenon, whose main victims are women and girls. The way in which agents of the judicial system, as part of society, perceive and value these crimes is influenced by a series of myths and collective beliefs. This article presents the results of a case study, which analyzes the real rape myth based on the criminal sentences of the Madrid Provincial Court issued for the crime of sexual assault from 2016 to 2018. From a content analysis with a quantitative approach, it is examined to what extent the characteristics of the judged facts coincide with those of the myth, and how this can influence the ruling. The conclusions show that, although the pattern that the real rape myth describes is not fulfilled, however, some of its characteristics continue to influence judicial decisions.
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