The configuration of social movements studies in Spain (1980-2020)


  • Gomer Betancor Nuez Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
  • Felipe G. Santos Department of Sociology and Criminology, City, University of London



social movements, protest, field of studies, Spain, institutionalisation


This paper maps the evolution of the appearance of social movements as an emerging field of study in Spain. We study how the main international theories and methodologies influenced the main research areas in the country. Despite the relative delay compared to other European countries, the study of social movements has seen a glaring spike during the last decade. We map the evolution of the field from a theoretical and empirical viewpoint. Theoretically, we review the studies authored by Spanish scholars and focused on Spanish social movements. Empirically, we analyse data from Dialnet and Web of Science to map the evolution of academic publications and conferences in the matter, both in Spanish and English. We supplement this data with semi-structured interviews with some of the pioneers in this field of study in Spain. The study of social movements in Spain has grown hand in hand with democratization in the country. Moreover, the 15M/Indignados cycle of mobilization started in 2011 placed Spanish social movements and their studies at the center of international attention. 


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How to Cite

Betancor Nuez, G., & Santos, F. G. (2022). The configuration of social movements studies in Spain (1980-2020). Spanish Journal of Sociology, 32(1), a145.