Policy Food Consumption In The singularized society





Conscious food consumption, Sociology of singularity, Food citizenship, Individual structuring, Elective inequality


Political Food Consumption is the ability to choose or reject products, leading to institutional and ethical changes and transformations in the food market. This elective capacity is one of the main current social structures, presenting itself as a possibility for the actors who have to fill their biographies with decisions. From a qualitative methodology using semi-structured interviews, we have seen that critical conscious consumption is part of the present singularised society. When it comes to food, those who are better informed and/or endowed with economic capital are those who are more likely to relegate foods and choose others. On the other hand, those who are less able to access these foods are the ones who are less able to do so. Obtaining accurate information on these variables is important for the development of a common space where new social movements can promote more conscious and responsible consumption.

Author Biographies

Miguel Arenas Martínez , Universidad de Oviedo

Miguel Arenas Martínez holds a degree in Political Science and Sociology, an International Expert in Social Analysis and Intervention and a PhD in Sociology (Complutense University of Madrid). Accredited as Associate Professor by ANECA. Professional career as a sociologist developed between intervention and social research. His main lines of research are Social Intervention from the perspective of social action, Social Welfare, Social Services, Youth and the Elderly. He has participated in numerous research projects in various fields and is currently involved in the State R&D&I Programme Political Food Consumption: Citizenship, Activists and Institutions (CSO2016-76293-R). He is author and co-author of several books and scientific articles on Social Intervention, Social and Welfare Policies, and Social Services. He is currently a lecturer at the University of Oviedo and Sociologist of the Municipal Social Services of the City Council of Avilés.
Miguel Arenas (marenas@uniovi.es). Department of Sociology, University of Oviedo (Spain).

Amparo Novo Vazquez , Universidad de Oviedo

Amparo Novo Vázquez is Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Oviedo, Director of the Chair of Global Food Governance Studies at the University of Oviedo. Member of the Sociology of Food research group. She is coordinator of the Spanish Right to Food Observatory (ODA-E). She is author and co-author of several publications in the field of food and political participation. She is PI of the project funded by the State R&D&I Programme Political Food Consumption: Citizenship, Activists and Institutions (CSO2016-76293-R). Her main lines of research are: global governance; political consumption; urban food politics; gender and political participation.



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How to Cite

Arenas Martínez, M., & Novo Vazquez, A. (2022). Policy Food Consumption In The singularized society. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 31(2), a101. https://doi.org/10.22325/fes/res.2022.101