Educational poverty in Spain in a European comparison
minimum income, educational poverty, social basic skillsAbstract
The aim of this brief analysis is to broaden the debate on educational poverty and to recall the importance of associating economic schemes to tackle poverty such as the Ingreso Mínimo Vital to educational policies intended to reduce the educational poverty. Educational poverty in Spain is compared with other European countries (Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom). The authors use three data sources: 1) the European Social Survey; 2) data from the PIAAC survey on adult skills and 3) OECD-PISA 2018 results relating to 15-year-olds’ reading, mathematics and science performances. Findings stress out the importance of strengthening policies against poverty in a multidimensional perspective, so that economic support measures could be even more incisive, in terms of long duration, if strictly linked to long-term schemes imed at improving the conditions of empowerment of the population with severe educational poorness and in the area of basic social skills.
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