Industrial development, labour and migration: the case of northern Morocco
Industrial development, Export Manufacturing Company, migratory culture, Morocco, working conditionsAbstract
The north of the Moroccan region of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima has seen an extraordinary growth in its industrial fabric in recent decades, especially through the establishment of numerous Export Manufacturing Companies. These companies are characterized by an intensive use of the work factor and flexibility in working conditions. In this context, the article analyzes the social and labor practices implemented by Export Manufacturing Companies and their relationship with the decision to migrate abroad (or not) by their workers. For this, an analytical-interpretive study has been carried out, which has used 93 in-depth interviews with workers in the industrial sector. Following the Grounded Theory as an analysis methodology, the results show how Export Manufacturing Companies have had an important impact on the migratory culture of workers and, specifically, in their search for well-being through migration.
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