Lessons from austerity: an analysis of the gender impact of the Great Recession in Spain and Portugal





Gender equality, Labour market, Economic crisis, Mediterranean Welfare Regime, Austerity welfare policies


This article analyzes the gender impact of the Great Recession in two Southern European countries, Portugal and Spain, examining changes in female labor force participation patterns and its implications for gender equality. Belonging to the “Mediterranean welfare regime”, the economic and financial crisis nevertheless had very different impacts from the point of view of gender balance in the labor market, breaking previous trends of convergence towards a universal worker or double-earner model. Consequences are also drawn about the role of European policies to fight the macroeconomic effects of the crisis, which led to the oblivion of gender equality objectives by the EU and national governments, adding also some reflections on their opportunity and relevance to face the current COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

Author Biography

Olga Salido Cortés , Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Profesora Titular de Sociología, Departamento de Sociología Aplicada de la UCM.


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How to Cite

Salido Cortés, O. (2021). Lessons from austerity: an analysis of the gender impact of the Great Recession in Spain and Portugal. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 31(1), a81. https://doi.org/10.22325/res.2022.81