Quarantined democracies: policy responses to the COVID-19 and the future of democracy





policies, COVID-19, liberal democracy crisis, democratic innovation, local democracy


This contribution examines firstly the policies deployed by central governments around the world during the first epidemic outbreak of the COVID-19, in particular its degree of severity, and puts it in relation to the class and quality of the political regimes in those countries. According to the method followed, the main conclusion is that there is no clear correspondence between the political regime and the rigor of the measures adopted. Secondly, the text reflects on some foreseeable effects that the fight against COVID-19 could have on representative democracy and also includes a brief plea in favor of innovative democratic practices that, through stochastic procedures, stimulate well-informed collective decision processes and binding,. It is presumed that such practices, deployed at local levels, could generate self-organized citizen communities that could be an agile instrument to face more effectively and equitably the fight against future pandemic outbreaks and any other kind of contingency. 

Author Biographies

Roberto Luciano Barbeito Iglesias , Departamento de Economía aplicada I, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Roberto Barbeito es sociólogo y politólogo licenciado por la Universidad Complutense. Distinguido con el Premio Nacional Fin de Carrera, ocupa una plaza de profesor titular de universidad como funcionario interino en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, donde se doctoró. Actualmente es secretario ejecutivo de la Federación Española de Sociología e investiga sobre la crisis de la democracia liberal y la viabilidad de nuevas formas democráticas.

Ángel Hermilio Iglesias Alonso , Departamento de Derecho Público I y Ciencia Política, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Ángel Iglesias es profesor titular de Ciencia Política en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid y coordinador del Comité de Investigación 8 Sociología Política de la Federación Española de Sociología. Sus investigaciones se centran en los gobiernos locales, desde una perspectiva internacional, con especial atención a las innovaciones democráticas locales y la gestión pública local.



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How to Cite

Barbeito Iglesias, R. L., & Iglesias Alonso, Ángel H. (2020). Quarantined democracies: policy responses to the COVID-19 and the future of democracy. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 29(3). https://doi.org/10.22325/fes/res.2020.44