The rise of the conservative middlebrow taste: Class, consumption and politics in Turkey




Taste, consumption, Islamism, conservatism, fashion


In this paper, we aim to use Bourdieusian concepts to understand the rise of conservative/Islamic taste in the context of Turkey’s recent political transformations. To do so, we first focus on the historical roots of the strong connection between politics and consumption in Turkey by addressing the impacts of recent transformation of political conservatism on conservative taste. Second, we describe the current form of the conservative middlebrow taste as the choice of elegant and religiously proper through the content analysis of three conservative fashion magazines. Lastly, drawing on a field research conducted in Ankara, we present concrete examples of how conservative taste is embodied and used to perform class distinction within and beyond the conservative fractions.

Author Biographies

Aksu Akçaoğlu , Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi

Aksu Akçaoğlu currently works at the Department of Sociology, Çanakkale 18 Mart University. Aksu does research in Sociological Theory, Political Sociology and Urban Sociology. His most recent publication is 'Practice and symbolic power in Bourdieu: The view from Berkeley.'

Irmak Karademir Hazir , Oxford Brookes University

Irmak is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Sciences at Oxford Brookes University. Prior to joining Oxford Brookes, she lectured at the University of Manchester and Middle East Technical University at Ankara, Turkey.


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How to Cite

Akçaoğlu, A., & Karademir Hazir, I. (2020). The rise of the conservative middlebrow taste: Class, consumption and politics in Turkey. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 29(3 - Sup1), 215–229.



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