More spectacular or more dangerous? Recent changes in the tension balance of artistic gymnastics?


  • Raúl Sánchez García
  • Jaime Martín López



artistic gymnastics, tension balance, figuration, Elias, rules


This paper analyses the recent changes in artistic gymnastics through the concept of tension balance, as developed in the sociology of Norbert Elias. For sports to offer an adequate stimulation, a certain balance between intensity/emotional decontrol and security/emotional control is needed. In the case of artistic gymnastics, the tendency towards specialization and the increase of difficulty in the performance was due to a blind process. Within this process, a combination of improvements in the materials (especially in floor and vault events) and changes in the rules resulted in the development of a more spectators appealing gymnastics at expense of increasing the risk for the athletes. Floor, vault and horizontal bar events were the most affected through this process.


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How to Cite

Sánchez García, R., & Martín López, J. (2019). More spectacular or more dangerous? Recent changes in the tension balance of artistic gymnastics?. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 28(3).