The treatment of the social dimension in environmental impact assessment: A content analysis applied to the case of the Valencian autonomous region


  • Guadalupe Ortiz Departamento de Sociología I. Universidad de Alicante.



Social impact assessment, methods, social impact, content analysis, Spain.


For many years there have been numerous calls for effective inclusion of social analysis in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Also, the current legislation in most developed countries addresses this issue by both recognizing citizen participation as a basic principle of the process and explicitly requiring an account of the consequences a project will have on the affected population. This paper examines how these demands are put into practice in EIA procedures in the Valencian Autonomous Region in Spain. We analysed the content of the Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) submitted to the Valencian regional administration, Spain, in 2014-2015. This analysis explores the chacarteristics of the social analysis in the EISs, and to what depth social factors are treated in their environment inventory and identification of social impact sections. Our analysis reveals significant methodological deficiencies and weaknesses in the quality of attention given to the social aspects in these assessment procedures.


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How to Cite

Ortiz, G. (2019). The treatment of the social dimension in environmental impact assessment: A content analysis applied to the case of the Valencian autonomous region. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 28(1).