The academic disadvantage of children of immigrants revisited: The Canary Islands as an exception within the Spanish context
Academic achievement, immigrants, socioeconomic status, cultural capital, school effects.Abstract
Research shows that children of immigrants underperform academically native students in Spain. Based on data from PISA 2009, this paper analyzes the academic achievement of children of immigrants on the Canary Islands, the only Spanish region in which second generation immigrants’ do not underperform Spanish native students and where research has not been thoroughly conducted. Firstly, the gap between immigrant and native students is analyzed and compared to the ones found in the rest of Spain. Next, such gap is analyzed according to immigrant status variables. Finally, the effect that other relevant student-level and school-level variables have on such gap is examined by means of multilevel techniques. Results show that the lower achievement of native students compared to other Spanish regions makes the case observed on the Canary Islands unique. The higher educational level among parents of immigrant students is found to be the major factor which accounts for their greater rates of academic achievement compared to native students´.References
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