Family exchanges between generations and ambivalence: a international perspective compared


  • María Teresa Bazo Universidad del País Vasco


Some comparative results are presented. A research funded by the European Commission has been carried out. The project «Old Age and Autonomy: The Role of Service Systems and Intergenerational Solidarity» (OASIS) has analysed the interacting role of family, service systems and individual coping on quality of life in old age. A sample of 6,000 persons aged 25 years and over has been examined. Some dyads (parent/child) have also been qualitatively studied. Family interaction implies an interchange of goods and services between the different members and generations. This interchange is twofold: instrumental and expressive. This is more clear when one family member is in need, especially in cases of impairment. When the State role is limited, family role involves a range of help schemes. Caring among adult family members through the life cycle is found to be persistent across nations. In the current research the myth of Spanish grandparents as babysitters is broken. Norwegian or German grandparents as well as Israeli ones are more likely to care for their grandchildren as the Spaniards. However, a difference is noted in Spain in relation to the other countries: help between generations is provided on a daily basis whereas in the other countries it is more occasional. This is because of the existence of a better welfare system in those countries, which makes instrumental family help not so necessary. Finally, together with family solidarity, the research has found evidence of ambivalent feelings.

Author Biography

María Teresa Bazo , Universidad del País Vasco

Catedrática de sociología en la Universidad del País Vasco. Es autora de diversas investigaciones y publicaciones en sociología de la vejez, y ha recibido diversos premios a la investigación. En la actualidad investiga en el maltrato y abuso a las personas ancianas, y también en las relaciones intergeneracionales familiares, sistemas de bienestar, y calidad de vida dentro de un proyecto internacional de cinco países, financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del V Programa Marco. Es coordinadora del Grupo de Trabajo «Sociología de la Vejez» en la  Federación Española de Sociología, y representa a España en la International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) patrocinada entre otros organismos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud.



How to Cite

Bazo, M. T. (2008). Family exchanges between generations and ambivalence: a international perspective compared. Spanish Journal of Sociology, (2). Retrieved from



Research Notes