Self-help culture and self-work within a context of crisis and the individualisation of social life. The experiences of young adults




self-help, individualisation, young adults, self-work, coaching


The imprint left on late modern society by various processes of social change, such as deinstitutionalisation, individualisation, and neoliberal capitalism, require sociology to pay greater attention to the self-work done by individuals. In this article we focus on young adults who, within a context of crisis and uncertainty, may turn to various resources for guidance, including the tools provided by self-help culture. More specifically, we examine the role of coaching as it relates to this dynamic of personal development and its impact on subjectivity and social relations, considering the type of sovereign individual and the celebrated self it fosters, the practice of introspection on which it is based, as well as the management of "limiting beliefs" and emotions. Finally, we consider some of the critiques directed at self-help culture in general and, more specifically, at the process of coaching. Our analysis is based on the results of a qualitative field study with young adults who have engaged in self-help, particularly coaching.

Author Biographies

Matthew L. Turnbough , Complutense University of Madrid

Instituto TRANSOC - GRESCO - Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 

Jose Santiago , Complutense University of Madrid

Instituto TRANSOC - GRESCO - Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


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How to Cite

Turnbough, M. L., & Santiago , J. . (2024). Self-help culture and self-work within a context of crisis and the individualisation of social life. The experiences of young adults. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 33(2), a221.