The local governance of social services




local governance, social services, local politicians, local government, welfare


This paper studies, from the point of view of local politicians, the governance of social services in different municipalities and County Councils in Catalonia. The political dimension of local social services has rarely been studied and this article contributes to the understanding of which actors and what kind of relations are developed during the policy process. From a qualitative approach, the study is based on 17 in-depth interviews with local politicians, as well as two focus groups with managers and front-line social workers. The results reveal that local politicians do not have a long-term and strategic perspective, and that they feel more comfortable dealing with management rather than politics. At the local level, social services tend to be a depoliticized issue. Although local politicians have a positive attitude towards dialogue and working together with all actors, they lack regular coordination and strong commitment to facilitate a comprehensive approach to the challenges they face.


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Author Biography

Xavier Casademont Falguera, Universitat de Girona




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How to Cite

Casademont Falguera, X., Boldú Alfonso , M. ., & Ginesta Rey, M. . (2023). The local governance of social services. Revista Española De Ciencia Política, (63), 145–165.


