Change and continuity in science policy: The design of funding instruments for university research in Galicia (2005-2018)
policy change, critical junctures, path dependency, government organization set up, public policy instruments, R&D policy, university research, GaliciaAbstract
The objective of this research note is to study the design and evolution of the instruments for university research-funding by a regional government (Xunta de Galicia) during the period 2005-18. It shows the main factors and processes associated to the design of science policies from a historical perspective. For this purpose, multiple documentary sources have been analyzed and semi-structured interviews as well as meetings with actors involved in the instrument portfolio have also been carried out. The key findings show that: a) decisions about the design and implementation of instruments are influenced by continuous interactions among actors; b) the policy makers’ origins have an impact on the set up of research activities; c) institutional and organizational environments generate opportunities but, at the same time, they constrain the action of political actors; and d) behaviors oriented to reduce administrative and management costs promote the design and implementation of instruments with multiple objectives. Furthermore, it can be confirmed the structuring consequences of critical junctures on the continuity of policies and institutional and organizational designs, as well as the existence of processes of substitution and accumulation of instruments.
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