The social base and career development of Spanish mayors


  • Carmen Navarro Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Departamento de Ciencia Política.
  • Alberto Sanz IE University, Madrid ESIC, Valencia



local government, local democracy, mayors, political recruitment, political leaders, Spain.


The growing corpus of studies about political elites in Spain has tended to focus on national and regional parliaments and executives, rather than on the municipal level of government. And yet, it is in these local settings that politicians acquire skills and political experience, develop their notions of democracy, and often start their political careers. Exploring patterns of political recruitment in Spanish local democracies allows us to look at some of the literature findings on this topic and check whether they also apply at the municipal level in Spain, enhancing in this way our understanding of who governs our cities, too. This article analyzes Spanish mayors’ social profiles, their patterns of professionalization and their political ambitions, trying to address questions such as: do municipal leaders share a common background? Are they amateurs or professionals in politics? Is the municipal level the first stage of an identifiable political career of Spanish representatives? In responding to these questions, this paper draws on survey data from a representative sample of 303 mayors in municipalities with populations larger than 10 000 inhabitants. The analysis confirms that Spanish mayors follow to a great extent the patterns found in studies of political elites and particularly those of local executives in other countries in Europe, but with some distinctive singularities.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Navarro, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Departamento de Ciencia Política.

Carmen Navarro es Profesora Contratada Doctora (acreditada Titular) del Departamento de Ciencia Política de la UAM. Sus ámbitos de especialización son el Gobierno Local y las Políticas Públicas. Participa o ha participado en redes de investigación internacionales comoThe European Mayor Proyect (first and second rounds), International Metropolitan Observatory, Municipal Assemblies in European Local Government, Second Tier of Local Government in Europe, Local Government Reforms: an international comparison y Local Autonomy Index, en las que analiza la realidad española en perspectiva comparada. Ha publicado los resultados de sus investigaciones en revistas como International Review of Administrative Sciences,European Political Science, Public Administration Review, Local Government Studies y en editoriales prestigiosas como Peter Lang, Routledge, Springer VS y Edward Elgar. Ha sido investigadora visitante en el Public Policy Institute, Georgetown University, Institute d'Études Politiques Bordeaux, Institute d'Études Politiques Lille y Department of Political Science, Boston College. Entre 2006 y 2010 fue Vicedecana de Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Derecho y de 2010 a 2014 sirvió como Directora del Departamento de Ciencia Política. En la actualidad es IP del proyecto financiado por el MINECO “Una nueva arquitectura local: eficiencia, dimensión y democracia” (CSO2013-48641-C2-1-R) 2014-2016. Durante el curso 2014-2015 realizó una estancia de investigación anual en el Centre for Urban and Public Policy Research, School for Policy Studies, de la Universidad de Bristol.


Alberto Sanz, IE University, Madrid ESIC, Valencia

Alberto Sanz (Ph.D., Autonomous University of Madrid) is Associate Professor at ESIC in Valencia and at IE University in Madrid where he teaches statistics and quantitative research methods. He also taught research methods and quantitative techniques for social sciences at the Autonomous University of Madrid. A member of the COST Action on The True European Voter, his research interests are public opinion, electoral behaviour, and political psychology.


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How to Cite

Navarro, C., & Sanz, A. (2018). The social base and career development of Spanish mayors. Revista Española De Ciencia Política, (46), 21–48.



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