Democratizing participation through feminism. The role of feminist subaltern counterpublics in the expansion of the Basque public sphere


  • Jone Martínez-Palacios Universidad del País Vasco



Democratic innovations, feminist theory, standpoint epistemology, Nancy Fraser.


This article aims to understand the limits on the expansion of the public space that is occurring through democratic innovations, and to investigate strategies for overcoming these limits. With an approach rooted in standpoint epistemology, this article studies the participation experiences of sixteen women belonging to a feminist subaltern counterpublic in fifteen apparatuses in the Autonomous Region of the Basque Country. The study considers that this expansion of the public space has taken place with three limits, related to the delegitimisation of the private, the undervaluation of relational aspects and the naturalization of a universal idea of participation. Opposing this, the article states that the practice of counterpublics facilitates greater inclusion in the designs of democratic innovations due to those parallel publics’ subaltern position in the public space.


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Author Biography

Jone Martínez-Palacios, Universidad del País Vasco

Jone Martínez Palacios is Permanent Assistant Lecturer in the University of the Basque Country’s Department of Political Science. She forms part of the Consolidated Research Group PARTE HARTUZ (UFI EMAN) and runs the Feminist and Democracy research area. She has published a number of works on participatory democracy and feminist theory, including: Sozio ingurumen gatazkak eta sozio ingurumen demokrazia (2011), “La participation des femmes aux mobilisations environnementales” Raison presente 186 (2013), pp. 27-39, “The Sex Of Participatory Democracy. An Analysis Of The Theoretical Approaches And Experiences Of Participatory Democracy From A Feminist Viewpoint” Democratization.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Palacios, J. (2017). Democratizing participation through feminism. The role of feminist subaltern counterpublics in the expansion of the Basque public sphere. Revista Española De Ciencia Política, (43), 37–59.


