Public policies and the production of vulnerability spaces. The construction of the woman-mother in Spanish political discourse


  • Silvia López-Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Public policy, gender, space, discourse, motherhood, abortion.


This article explores how the recent political discourse in Spain is problematizing motherhood and is producing “mothers” as political subjects. More in particular, the article is concerned about how public policies are involved in the production of differentiated spaces of bodily vulnerability. To do so, it analyses the policy discourse in two different areas: on the one hand, the regulation of sexual and reproductive rights and specifically abortion, paying special attention to the latest legislative reforms; on the other hand, on the regulation of differentiated access to assisted reproduction techniques in public health services especially since the 2014 reforms. By doing so, this article aims at contributing to post-structural policy analysis literature, providing a deep insight into the effects of political discourse both on the distribution of social and bodily vulnerability and the production of gendered subjectivity.


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How to Cite

López-Rodríguez, S. (2017). Public policies and the production of vulnerability spaces. The construction of the woman-mother in Spanish political discourse. Revista Española De Ciencia Política, (44), 97–120.


