South-South cooperation as a driver of foreign action: the cuban experience


  • Juan Diego Ruiz Cumplido Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo


South-South cooperation, development, internationalism, horizontal relationships, Cuba


South-South cooperation (SSC) has over seventy years of experience, although a due attention has not always been focused on it. Although there is a dense rhetoric trying to keep SSC away of the traditional North-South cooperation (NSC), emphasizing its more horizontal and its untied character, this paper tries to argue the role that the SSC has as an instrument of foreign policy of countries. To support this point, a review is made of the broad SSC promoted by Cuba, a key driver in this context. Given the shortcomings in the systems of information of Cuban cooperation, one of the contributions of this paper is to provide systematic information on this subject, to support the suggested hypothesis.


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Author Biography

Juan Diego Ruiz Cumplido , Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo

Juan Diego Ruiz Cumplido (Córdoba, España, 1967). Licenciado en Veterinaria, especialidad Sanidad Animal, Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Economía Aplicada y Doctorando en Economía y Desarrollo en el marco del Programa “Crecimiento Económico y Desarrollo Sostenible” de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia de España. Profesional con 20 años de experiencia en la gestión de programas y políticas de cooperación internacional para el desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe. Coordinador de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo en Bolivia, Cuba y Perú.



How to Cite

Ruiz Cumplido, J. D. (2015). South-South cooperation as a driver of foreign action: the cuban experience. Revista Española De Ciencia Política, (39), 139–164. Retrieved from



Research Notes