Women’s local councils in Spanish municipalities: analyzing inclusiveness and agenda bias


  • María Jesús Rodríguez Universidad Pablo de Olavide


Participatory mechanisms, women’s associations, gender policies, municipalities, Spain


Local women’s councils are strategic places to channel women’s participation and demands in order to promote gender policies at the local level. Nevertheless, as well as other participatory mechanisms, their dynamics could be biased according to participant’s characteristics and the institutional agenda of local government. In this paper we try to show evidences about theses bias trough a survey carry out among women’s associations in five Spanish cities. Results show that the participatory dynamic of local women’s councils produces two kind of bias: an inclusiveness bias according to the traits of women’s organizations, favouring those more oriented towards political activism; and a substantive bias according to the issues discussed, favouring those close to the local government agenda.


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Author Biography

María Jesús Rodríguez, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Profesora e investigadora del Centro de Sociología y Políticas Locales (CSPL), de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Investigadora principal del proyecto “Género, participación y sistemas locales de bienestar” (Plan Nacional de I+D+I). Publicaciones recientes en la Revista Internacional de Sociología (RIS), Ciudad y Territorio, Reforma y Democracia y en Papers. Autora de Familia y Estado del Bienestar (Miño y Dávila, 2009) y Gobernanza Multi-nivel y Sistemas Locales de Bienestar en España (con C. Navarro, Tirant Lo Blanch, 2009). Estancias en la École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales y en el Institut des Sciences Sociales et du Politique (CNRS. París, Francia) y en el Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Chicago.

How to Cite

Rodríguez, M. J. (2012). Women’s local councils in Spanish municipalities: analyzing inclusiveness and agenda bias. Revista Española De Ciencia Política, (29), 107–128. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/recp/article/view/37551


