Sustainability and Human Flourishing: Towards a Normative Theory of Ecomodernism Through the Capabilities Approach


  • Daniel Lara de la Fuente Universidad de Málaga



ecomodernism, capabilities, human flourishing, capability thresholds and ceilings, limitarianism, sufficientarism


Ecomodernists argue that decoupling human well-being of its ecological impacts through a wise use of science and technology is required to reach justice and sustainability in the Anthropocene. This article defends the pertinence of the Capabilities Approach to support normatively this notion by the following way. Firstly, I argue that ecomodernism shares with the Capabilities Approach a specific meaning of human flourishing derived from freedom of choice. Secondly, I present an ecomodernist conception of the Sustainable Ecological Capacity, as well as its links with the capability ceilings to establish the foundations of my proposal. Finally, I conclude that such an exploration brings to a new «weak» ecomodernism, based on a simultaneous application of sufficientarian and limitarian accounts on distributive justice of ecosystem goods and services.


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How to Cite

Lara de la Fuente, D. (2023). Sustainability and Human Flourishing: Towards a Normative Theory of Ecomodernism Through the Capabilities Approach. Revista Española De Ciencia Política, (63), 167–187.


