Evaluation of the use of different virtual resources in the university: an educational experience


  • Andrés Nortes Checa Universidad de Murcia
  • Rosa Nortes Martínez-Artero Universidad de Murcia


Various studies have paid attention to the mathematical knowledge and skills that students have when they start initial training to become future primary school teachers. In regard with these studies, we gave out to students from a group of second and third year of the “Grado de Maestro de Primaria” a mathematical test. This test is commonly used at third year of ESO to assess the students’ academic performance and competencies. The results indicated that (i) the students showed a number of important gaps in their knowledge of mathematics and that their academic performance was far from acceptable; (ii) male and 3rd year students performed better than female and 2nd year students; and (iii) the factors that characterized students’ attitude towards mathematics included confidence, motivation, usefulness and satisfaction, in decreasing order of importance.


