Absenteeism and dropping out: A form of school exclusion


  • María Teresa González González Universidad de Murcia

Parole chiave:

school absenteeism, school drop-out, educational exclusion, inequality and education, school culture, school organization


This is a synthesis of research that deals with the processes of school exclusion. It focuses specifically on understanding absenteeism and dropping out of school. It approaches this topic by exactly defining the terms absenteeism and school drop out, and describing their characteristics and causes. It establishes some key questions for understanding the role of the schools in this matter: organization, functioning, climate, structures, dynamics, politics and procedures, curriculum, etc. Finally, it proposes a series of aspects that should be taken into account when a school tries to mitigate absenteeism and drop out.

Biografia autore

María Teresa González González, Universidad de Murcia

Profesora Titular en el Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Los ámbitos de trabajo en los que he venido desarrollando mi actividad docente y/o investigadora son, básicamente tres: las reformas escolares y los procesos de cambio e innovación educativa; el centro escolar como organización: cultura escolar, relaciones, dinámicas y procesos de funcionamiento organizativo; alumnos en riesgo de exclusión educativa: desarrollo en los centros y aulas de programas y medidas de atención a la diversidad; absentismo y abandono escolar, desenganche y desafección de alumnos.

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