Moodle and university students. Two new realities of the EHEA


  • Verónica Marín Díaz University of Córdoba
  • Antonia Ramírez García University of Córdoba
  • Begoña Sampedro Requena University of Córdoba

Parole chiave:

LMS, University, University student


The development of University teaching has recently been affected by many changes which have resulted, on one hand, in structural reforms of the terminology systems and, on the other hand, in changes in the way of being, seeing and understanding higher education. The emergence of new technological tools such as Moodle platform has revolutionized the processes of teaching and learning at all educational levels. This project aims to be a continuation of the study initiated
into the project for excellence that we have been developing since 2006 with University of Huelva (coordination, Seville and Cadiz).This project approved by the General Secretary of Universities, in 23th March 2007, entitled "E-learning platforms for virtualization of the subjects (P06-HUM-02013)", in our University focused on studying the figure of the teacher and his relation to the Moodle platform, in our case - and at University of Cadiz and the WebCT platform in cases of Huelva and Seville- avoiding, for different reasons, the students; however this study has been completed during the development of the project for excellence at University of Huelva, therefore we consider important focusing on studying University students from Cordoba
as a supplement to the original project even though these are the final recipients of this new training system.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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