You have the solution! The training process for beginning teachers


  • Soledad García Gómez Universidad de Sevilla
  • Carmen García Pastor Universidad de Sevilla

Parole chiave:

beginning teachers, teacher education, professional teacher identity


This paper is about the in-service education process of a novel secondary teacher. We were requested by a rural area Teacher Centre to developed an in-service teacher education activity with a group of secondary teachers from two secondary education schools in order to train them to meet with diversity in the classroom. The title of the activity was “Diversity and Teaching Practices”, and it was configured as an alternative to more usual ones.
The approach to professional development processes and to in-service teacher education we have adopted were focused on teaching practices study and reflection, so that we have developed a participative methodology with teachers along the period 2006/07.
The novel secondary teacher who conform this case has done the four narrative writings which structured the process, related to the following questions: How is my classroom? (first step), What do I do and what do my students do? (second step), Why am I teaching in this way? How could I change it? (third step) and How can I initiate these changes? (fourth step).
This teacher responses to these questions have let us know how was his teaching practices for his first year at school as teacher. The qualitative analysis of his writings also let him and let us know which were his teaching difficulties, how does he tries to solve them, what does he wants to change in the way he teach and how was he facing up the changes in order to improve his teaching practices.

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