Intercultural pedagogy in Italy: Epistemological question


  • Fabrizio Pizzi Università di Cassino

Mots-clés :

intercultural pedagogy, intercultural education, identity, diversity, otherness, immigration, pluralism, multicultural, multiethnic


Europe continues to increasingly take on a 'multifaceted' aspect, in which the diversity connected with the variety of migrant subjects adds to the differences already present in the territories (internal migrations, minorities, linguistic and cultural, class and gender differences) . In this sense, the substantial migratory flows have urgently re-proposed the integration issues with the different. With this work we want to outline the debate in Italy on intercultural pedagogy, understood not as a sector distinct from pedagogical knowledge, but as a new and enriching look at the object of study proper to general pedagogy: the education of man. However, it must be added that this education takes place in an increasingly mutiethnic and multicultural society. What emerges is the need to clarify which coordinates can be used to support intercultural discourse in the pedagogical field. In this regard, it can be argued that intercultural pedagogy consists of three phases: 1) theoretical reflection; 2) 'political tension' to carry out institutional and legal proposals; 3) didactic strategies at school. We analyze the first of them.


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