Identity construction and professionalization of new secondary teachers, through an experimental study


  • Antonio Sánchez Asín José Luís Boix Universidad de Barcelona E.mail:
  • José Luís Boix Universidad de Barcelona

Mots-clés :

professional identity, professionalization, new teacher, professional socialization, training teachers


The teacher’s training of Secondary Education it is hanging of being confronted by the Administration, after three educational reforms that have been carried out from the LOGSE (1990) to the LOE (2006), after sixteen years of permanent changes. This confused situation has extended in excess. And, in these moments, the demand of change of the top studies - us to adapt to Bologna 2010-, is an unsurpassable opportunity to finish an obsolete stage and to open new routes for professionalizing new teachers of Secondary Education; protagonists do them in the most flexible construction of a society and polite, who guarantees the equity in a more human development.

This research, it inspires by the emergent paradigm, synthesis of all the previous efforts. The used methodology has been participative and holistic and, for it, we have worked with different instruments: questionnaires, you interview, groups of discussion, histories of life and questionnaires DAFO and TIDE.

We proposed to discover the needs of the professorship in the professional beginnings, as well as to define the processes of development of the key competitions of the good educational uses that are necessary to confront and to practise in the future with a teaching quality.

The sources of information from which we have obtained the information to reflect on the educational identity and his professional development have been changed: The contributions of the pupils of the CAP (Certificate of Pedagogic Aptitude) and CCP (Course of Pedagogic Qualification), as well as of the student body of secondary education, the professorship, the syndical organizations, the associations of parents and mothers and the professorship of different courses of initial formation(training). Undoubtedly there exist many aspects that wake our interest up, in relation to the future professorship, since:

  • Apprentice of teacher.
  • Professional · Managing of the curriculum.
  • Mediator in the classroom.
  • Collaborator with the school, the families and the context.
  • Professional capable of regulating the process of balance of his professional competition.
  • New Teacher to the one that offers him the necessary scaffolding thanks to the system of mentoring.
  • Guide psicopedagogic


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