Podcasting as a teaching and learning tool in Higher Education


  • Ana María Ramos García University of Granada
  • Mª Jesús Caurcel Cara University of Granada

Paraules clau:

podcasting, ICT, teaching innovation, higher education, aural comprehension, collaborative tasks, self-directed learning


This paper accounts for the results of a teaching innovation project developed at the Faculty of Education of the University of Granada (Spain) along the course year 2008/2009, in which podcasts were proposed as a teaching and learning tool at university level in order to expand the requirements of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA): ICT, self-directed learning, collaborative tasks, and tutorials.
A podcast is a series of audio or video files which is released and downloaded through syndication to the computer. Then, the file is ready to be used or to be transferred to the selected portable
device to listen to it whenever and wherever we like. Syndication allows constant reception of files whenever they are available on the web. Thus, there is a huge amount of listening material which
can be related to each student’s personal interests and hobbies. Therefore, apart from improving aural comprehension in foreign language student teachers by listening to authentic materials, ICT
are introduced in the classroom.
The main goals of the project were: to improve the students’ aural comprehension, to increase their motivation and to foster self-directed learning. Podcasts have been used as the unique listening material in the classroom. Students were explained how to locate and download them. Later, they were asked to develop and record a group podcast,
joining in the activity a collaborative task and technological competence. The experience was evaluated by means of an ad-hoc questionnaire “Cuestionario de valoración de la utilidad de los podcast como herramienta de enseñanza-aprendizaje” (Ramos y Caurcel, 2009) which comprised 36 items on a 5-point ranged Likert scale, and open answers were limited in length. The aforementioned questionnaire was accordingly validated by experts who considered that the reliability of the scale was α= .75. The students —by means of the evaluation questionnaire— state their satisfaction with the
experience; besides, they admit the improvement of their communicative competence, and podcasting is considered to be an excellent learning tool.


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