Learning technology and patterns of teaching


  • Thomas Illum Hansen University College Lillebaelt, Denmark

Mots-clés :

learning, technology, teaching


There is a statistical correlation between types of teaching methods and types of digital learning materials used in Danish state schools. Especially when it comes to “presentational learning materials”, a category which subsume digital textbooks and larger systems and portals characterized by a looser coupling between subjects and courses than the linear progression that characterises the chapter structure of a textbook. This is a finding in a major new study
undertaken in 2012-2014 by Rambøll Management Consulting and Boston Consulting Group, within an empirical and theoretical framework developed by Jeppe Bundsgaard and the author.
This is partly due to a review of international research in the impact of digital learning materials, and partly due to a theoretical framework with typologies of teaching patterns and digital learning material. This article will present the central parts of the theoretical framework, selected results, and ends with a critique of methods used in the collecting of empirical data with a view to future research in the connection between digital learning materials and teaching patterns.


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