Training of novice teachers in high schools in Argentina. An approach based on the labour insertion of graduates of the National University General Sarmiento


  • Juan Carlos Serra Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (Buenos Aires)
  • Graciela Krichesky Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (Buenos Aires)
  • Alicia Merodo Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (Buenos Aires)

Mots-clés :

beginning teacher, induction programs, novel secondary teachers


This article presents findings of the research "From students to professors: First professional performances in high schools from Buenos Aires province ". The research’s goals were to analyze the beginner’s teacher´ s challenges interpreted in the context of the heterogeneity of their personal and professional trajectories.  The trajectories analyzed show some different ways in which we can detach the beginning of  teaching activity before obtaining their professional degree, as a result of options, decisions and assumed positions in the professional teaching field. The novice professors get experiences; construct views and perspectives depending on the possibilities that context and schools offer to them.  The research corroborates findings of previous studies. The challenges that beginner professors used to face are: “group management", teaching development, administrative issues and relationship.  The novice teacher’s difficulties are related to the institutional sphere. The key ones are related to the adverse conditions in which teaching develops and the absence of formal mechanisms for the reception of beginner’s teachers.  The concern about novice teachers does not constitute an extended worry of the institutions studied, they only concern, when it happens, about orientations to guide novice teachers in administrative proceeds.  Orientations and novice coaching are exceptional in the institutions studied.


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