Analysing computer-mediated communication for the improvement of teaching and learning process


  • Mª Jesús Gallego- Arrufat University of Granada
  • Elba Gutiérrez- Santiuste University of Granada

Mots-clés :

Educational Technology, Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), Computer Mediated Communication (CMC), Higher Education


The purpose of this article is to reflect on the possible improvements that the computer mediated communication (CMC) can produce in the process of teaching-learning at the University. For that reason, we believe that a fundamental step is to have an empirical system, solid and well-grounded in the research on the computer mediated communication in the international context, oriented to the analysis of such communication. We show the progress of a pilot study in which we experience the use of an ad hoc analysis model of synchronous and asynchronous interventions in virtual environments of learning in Higher Education. We offer, in conclusion, suggestions to continue working on this line of research


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