Reasons for interest in teaching and professional identity. An approach based on the opinion of future secondary teachers of Humanities and Social Sciences
pre-service teacher education, social sciences and humanities, interest in teaching, secondary school, teachers’ professional identityLaburpena
The aim of this study has been to analyze the role of the motives of interest in teaching and its influence on the development of teachers´ professional identity, examining their involvement from the perspective of the initial formation process of the prospective secondary schoolteachers of humanities and social sciences. We performed a descriptive analysis of data
from a questionnaire with 12 items, whose response was addressed by a Likert scale with 4 levels (4 = much to 1 = none). By the method of analysis of contingency tables have not been detected conclusive arguments to explain the interest in teaching as a work. Nevertheless, the
correlation study has confirmed the characterization of a vocational tendency, not predominant, and another alternative, conditioned by a positive perception of the teaching environment. It has been observed that lack of commitment, a sense of belonging weak, the difficulty in
projecting the individual values on the educational reality, or the questioning of this profession as a way to satisfy their needs and expectations, determine the formation of a teacher´s professional profile. These results highlight the need to design a process of initial teacher education to upgrade the vocational purpose of the studies, based on a reflective teaching from research and discussion, and allow an insight into the reality of teacher, providing the prospective teacher of skills and abilities.
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