A Historiographical Approach on the Origin of the Studies of "black box": Investigations of the Classroom From the History of Education in Britain and U.S.
History of Education, Black Box of Schooling, School Cultures, Cultural Studies, CurriculumLaburpena
In recent years the History of Education has given great importance to the study of the classroom to understand how they have developed the processes of teaching and learning, school subjects, curriculum, etc., In order to analyze better the reality of schools and the internal content or nature of education (established myths, the activities, the use of learning objects, etc.). The contribution of cultural studies has been a key element in this. But also the theoretical discussions, methodologies, conflicts and thoughts that have been developed in the field of History of Education around the new resources and sources that have begun to use from the 1990s of the twentieth century. The aim of this paper is to analyze, in a brief, the main debates that have led to the introduction in the field of history of education the analysis of black box of schooling like a studied approach. For this reason we review mainly the developments of field in Great Britain and USA.##submission.downloads##
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